How to buy BNB
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Please make sure you are buying BNB in the BEP-20 network!
You can Purchase BNB on Binance using your Credit or debit card.
Create a free account on the Binance website or the app.
Binance is a centralized exchange where you can buy several cryptocurrencies including BNB. Before you can use the Binance platform, you'll need to open an account and verify your identification.
Choose how you want to buy the BNB asset.
Click on the "Buy Crypto" link on the top of the Binance website navigation to know about the available options to buy BNB in your country.For better coin compatibility, you can consider buying a stablecoin like USDT first, and then use that coin to buy BNB.
If you are a new user, this is the easiest option to purchase BNB. Binance supports both Visa and MasterCard. Below are two video resources from Binance to help you purchase BNB:
After you've purchased the BNB, you can send them to your wallet. Please make sure to use the BEP-20 (BNB Chain) when sending BNB.